Hjørundfjordportalen » Lokalt » Aktivitetskalender » Indiefjord 2024

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Indiefjord 2024

Frå: 13. July 2024 Kl. 09.00
Til: 13. July 2024 Kl. 09.00

Type: Festival
Stad: Bjørke

10 years ago a tiny little festival called Indiefjord was born. There's no doubt Indiefjord 2024 will be a huge birthday celebration. Will you join us fjordside 13 + 14 July?

Meir informasjon

We sure hope so! Oh, and do make sure you get to Bjørke in time for the welcome party 12 July. It will be epic!
Ballboy (SCO)
Randolph's Leap (SCO)
Mammoth Penguins (EN)
Stanley Brinks (FR)
Red Sleeping Beauty (SE)
The Electric Pop Group (SE)
Evripidis and His Tragedies (GRC)
Panic Pocket (EN)
Stilla Havet (SE)
Freschard (FR)
Dylan Mondegreen (NO)
Kindsight (DK)
Emma Kupa (EN)
Gordon McIntyre (SCO)
Egil Olsen (NO)
Adam Ross (SCO)
Early Doors Disco DJs (EN)
Indie Dad & Silja DJs (NO)
Big love from Team Indiefjord

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